داستان آبیدیک

اموال شخصی


1 Law:: personal property (: In broad and general sense, everything that is the subject of ownership, not coming under denomination of real estate. A right or interest in things personal, or right or interest less than a freehold in realty, or any right or interest which one has in things movable. Generally, all property other than real estate; as goods, chattels, money, notes, bonds, stocks and choses in action generally, including intangible property) • personalty (: personal property; movable property; chattels; property that is not attached to real estate; personal chattels (ie things movable, as opposed to interests in land) • private property ( : As protected from being taken for public uses, is such property as belongs absolutely to an individual, and of which he has the exclusive right of disposition. Property of specific, fixed and tangible nature, capable of being in possession and transmitted to another, such as houses, lands, and chattels) • effects ( : personal estate or property; though the term may include real and personal property. Goods and chattels; a man’s property) • personal effects (: Articles associated with person, as property having more or less intimate relation to person; of possessor; “effects” meaning movable or chattel property of any kind. Usual reference is to such items as the following owned by a decedent at the time of death: clothing, furniture, jewelry, stamp and coin collections, silverware, china crystal, cooking utensils, books, cars, televisions, radios, etc. Term “personal effects” when employed in a will enjoys no settled technical meaning and, when used in its primary sense, without any qualifying words, ordinarily embraces such tangible property as is worn or carried about the person, or tangible property having some intimate relation to the person of the testator or testatrix; where it is required by the context within which the term appears, it may enjoy a broader meaning. HCB) • pure personalty ( : personalty is either pure or mixed. Pure personalty is personalty unconnected with land, mixed personalty is a personal interest in land or connected therewith – JBS> • personal estate

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